Charleston, South Carolina is an old, old city.
It wears its history like a stage set... elements of glory and antebellum sadness side by side.
It even has its own version of the Leaning Tower... but this one (very, very Southern!) is campanile of a historic church.
And the beauty of the iron work...

Every doorway, courtyard, balcony and window seems to be edged and enclosed with iron...
Even the graves are edged in fanciness (Charleston is Fancy City, in my opinion!)
It's a little like walking into the set for "Gone with the Wind" or something...
visual poetry at every turn.
Charleston is charmed me thoroughly.
What a lovely city to visit...
with dear friends. Truly it was a beautiful retreat (and a treat!) for a group of artists who needed the joyful reminder to slow down and notice the details.