There he was, nibbling on my winter squash, bold as brass.
I know it, I should have squashed him, but instead I hollered over the fence, "Susan, there's a gorgeous grasshopper over here!"
Susan's boys are still young enough to be fascinated with the things I find captivating... you know... grasshoppers, frogs, snips & snails & puppy dog tails. That sort of thing.

Pretty soon I was taking a bug's eye view, giving the little guy his own photo shoot.
Isn't he amazing?
People are always asking me, "where do you get your ideas?"

If I told them how inspiring this grasshopper's leg decorations are, how endlessly fascinating his segmented abdomen, how lovely his brassy wings, nobody would believe me.

But today I learned a world about design and beauty and balance. There was a whole lesson there for me, placed in my own backyard by the Creator Himself.
And He packed it all in one neat and tidy package: a grasshopper sitting on my winter squash.