How wonderful it is to be home again in the little valley I call home, nestled between the rugged Cascade range and the waters of the blue Pacific. A place so wonderful the earth seems to burst forth with joy.
A short walk through the pasture behind my home, down the lane to marvel over the flowers was a sweet hour of wonder this afternoon. Caesar, my faithful beagle buddy, drowsed gently in the sunshine waiting while I snapped photo after photo of poppies and lupines, peonies and campanula and the ever-present bumblebees, their pollen sacs laden with gold. These snapshots will be fodder for the creative mill, inspiration that will turn up in my images.
I take a photo of the poppies today and next week or next year they will emerge as silhouettes that might breeze across wallpaper or blossom on a sympathy card. I finally dragged myself away from the waving leaves and enchanting blooms, back to the studio where the scissors and pots of glue waited, surrounded by inks and glitters and stacks of paper just waiting to be cut.
Home to check email and there was a message so complimentary I blushed. Turned beet red. Laughed with delight and disbelief.
Do you ever marvel at the turns your life has taken? Today I am counting my blessings and finding them beyond number. My cup overflows.