"What inspires you?" she wanted to know.
A million things. Maybe a million in one. I can only tell you what inspires me today, right this very minute.
Today it's the whiskers on my dog, some fallen ginkgo leaves laying in a golden pile, and the trees that line the river.
You might be looking at that picture and thinking, "my goodness, if I lived in a place that perfect, I could make something lovely, too."
Well, let me tell you, I took this picture as I ran up to Lowes to meet my husband and buy a dimmer switch for the dining room. It wasn't anything as ideal as you're imagining. Here is what was at my back when I snapped the photo above.

Beauty is where you find it. It's all around you. I am fond of saying we are surrounded by miracles, and it's absolutely true. Look for a miracle near you. Ignore the ugliness of the freeway, the cheap and ugly. Just dwell today on the everyday miracles and forget the rest.
Be inspired.
What's tickling my eyes and imagination? The memory of a parrot I saw in the tropics. The smell of muffins baking and the fire's gentle snap. Bare branches swaying. Rounded tummies of pregnant friends. Time to get the scissors out. I've got deadlines and an ever-flowing creative stream.