Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The blessing of being loved

Donna, it's all your fault. You started it Saturday. Calling me bright & early in the morning from the barn sale where you had your mitts on some fabulous old paper. Picking it up and mailing me a fat box of old books and calling cards and miscellaneous flotsam and jetsam... You made me feel so loved!

It must be a conspiracy of the very nicest sort because the very next evening, up to my doorstep tripped not just one or two but TEN of my dear friends, ready to help package five hundred dear prints for the Jan/Feb issue of everyone's favorite magazine- Victoria. How kind! We howled with laughter, reading the tiny scraps and telling stories. Fingers flew and the prints look wonderful... never mind the condition of the house when the party was over!

This is the season to stop & say thank you for the abundant gifts we've been given this year.

My surgeon, Dr. Eric Fassler, helped me back to vibrant health again. My licensing partners have made my work more rewarding than I'd have ever dreamed possible. My husband tells me how much he loves me over and over, my friends & family have made it plain. I am blessed beyond belief.

I made this crown from vintage paper, my dear old press and my overactive imagination. Today as I count my blessings I could just about sum it all up by wearing that crown. Being loved and cared for by so many people is my blessing this year.

If you're reading my blog, you're a part of the blessing. Thank you so much, whether you're a dearly loved friend or someone I've not met yet. I am thankful for you!