Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Making another Christmas surprise...

So now that I've shared Mr. Wonderful's first gift book, I can't resist sharing peeks at the second.

This one's about the favorite hideaway for both of our grandparents, who didn't know one another but brought us each to the Sierra Nevada each summer. Imagine our surprise when we took our first married camping trip and ended up finding out we'd pitched our tents in the same campground all those years!

I think this one fairly reeks of summer. And I love that.

I was aiming at a "you're back in the Sierras again every time you open the book" feel. I have a hunch my husband is going to love his gift. Fingers crossed!

Homemade gifts are always the best.

So that's a peek at a few of the pages...

I ended with one of my trusty mottoes to live by.
This is a timely concept in a society that wants us to do the opposite.

Thinking of the Sierras has brought me that reminder, and a precious one it is at this season.
Are you making gifts of your own?
It's that time of year when I think everyone should spend a few hours sequestered in a back bedroom giggling over the gifts we make.
Which is why I intend to spend the afternoon in the studio happily making gifts.

What are you making this year? Bath salts? Necklaces? Mugs?
Do share!