Today it's the first blue-sky, warm-outside, feeling-like-summer day! And everyone has come out to welcome it.
The agricultural workers were planting like mad and some of us were out in the garden weeding and singing. (Sun can do that to us Northwesterners, who are wholeheartedly sick of clouds and giddy at the warmth of today's sunshine!)
I will never tire of the ordinary sights in our little valley. Its simple beauty still astonishes me.
Steve's crops are up and growing and those of us who prize his farm stand are downright gleeful. There is nothing better than Steve's produce.
The raspberry canes have flowered and the fruit has set. It won't be long before our fingers and lips are stained red with happiness.
The potatoes are up and growing, too.
And I am growing as well~ growing in my artistic vision, ideas sprouting. There's an airbrush on its way to the studio and new sketches littering the studio.
What's growing in your home town? What creativity is sprouting between your ears?
Do tell! I would love to hear from you.
And by the way, did you notice you can now subscribe by email? If you are willing I would love for you to try it and let me know if the posts arrive nicely in your in box. I am questioning my technical skills over here!