First I was hibernating with the scissors, paper and computer, trying desperately to finish up the nursery rhyme series, and then literally dashing out the door after another all night work session.
Then, as if by magic, I was whisked away by Mr. Wonderful to our annual pilgrimage to the Eastern Sierras.

It's the place where, ever since I was a tiny child, I have found refreshment and peace in the mountains and meadows of Yosemite and the surrounding area.
Vivid blue skies.
Shimmering aspen leaves.
Wildflowers, deer, brook trout.

Time to sketch or just sit and meditate while your toes soak in an icy stream. Time simply to be.

Which has me wondering...
Why do I wait all year for this? Where are the little niches of time and space in my everyday to stop the world and retreat?
Surely I am not the only one who needs this blessed time alone in nature as an antidote to the stress and worry of modern day life. What are your secrets to finding a peaceful retreat? Where and how do you wedge in a tiny vacation in the midst of your everyday world?
I would love to hear how you balance stress and retreat, and where you find a restful spot for recharging your batteries.

I plan to share peeks at my retreat in the next few days, to show you the inspirations I found in the woods, where the leafy shapes intrigued me and the natural palettes had me making plans for future work...