What fun to look out the window and see glorious blue skies and sunshine!
I pulled on a jacket, called the dogs, begged Russell to join me for a lovely romp outdoors.
And hurrah! What a morning!
The first snowdrops were budding yesterday, and today they were in full bloom. Snowdrops seem such a hopeful sign of spring ahead. They're one of my favorite flowers...
I especially love the way they look with the sunlight streaming through the fragile petals...
Steve and Katherine's willow is looking gorgeous at Dunbar Gardens just down the road. No wonder Katherine's handmade baskets are so gracefully lovely... she starts with her own amazing willow crop. Click to see her work or learn to weave a basket yourself here.
I felt just as happy as this horse, who rolled on his back and kicked his legs in the air at the sunshine, then turned over and shook his whole self for joy. I bet the bees in the hives behind him were waking up and doing the happy dance, too.
Nothing better than fresh air and sunshine, and the faintest scent of spring in the air.
Are you feeling that glass more-than-half-full sunshine feeling, too?