Anne and I went back to the nursery today.
Anne had her list and I had mine.
Hers was long and took up half a sheet of paper. Mine was short and in my head.
Two cherry trees.
I never made it to the bare root section.
There were too many lovely blossoms calling my name. I ran out of time before I could run my fingers over the slim tree trunks and ponder the poetic names of the trees.
I was stuck amid the flowers.
Sweetly scented hydrangeas.
Viburnum just beginning to open, when mine are still just tightly closed buds.
Hothouse tulips.
Oh the gorgeous colors! The thousand petals unfurling at once...
Aren't they gorgeous?
Never have we enjoyed such an early spring, so there's plenty of time for dreaming of the garden.
Next week I will have another nursery outing and I promise myself I'll beeline for the bare root section. If I can get past the temptations blossoming in the front of the garden first!